Saturday, November 23, 2013

Life with Nick

     I have a habit of taking the spoken word literally, but my son Nick does as well. He is the sweetest, most thoughtful young man.  He is intelligent and completely wise beyond his years.   As an Asperger’s Autistic person, he is so much more than I have imagined.  Had the Husband and I listened to the negativity and impending doom of the doctors who diagnosed him,  Nick would not be the person God intended him to be.  In fact, the only reason Nick was taken to specialists in the first place was to prove to my in-laws nothing was wrong with him. 
     Nevertheless, on occasion I find I have to be very careful on how I explain things to him.
Take last night for example. I work second shift. I was exhausted when I came home.  Nick and the dog greeted me.  After I kissed them both, I went straight to the kitchen to make me some Sleepy Time tea. I ran tap water in my mug and placed it in the microwave.
    “I’ll make the tea for you, Mom” Nick volunteered. I smiled.
    “OK. Put two teabags in the water after the microwave goes off.” Handing him a teaspoon, I then bade him to add one teaspoon of honey into the mug. I left him to get out of my clothes.
When I came out of the bathroom, the steaming cup was waiting for me. Gratefully, I took a healthy gulp.
     I began gagging. Running around the room, waving my hands furiously, I darted to the bathroom to cough up the contents.
    When I came out, Terry stared at me strangely from our bed.   I composed myself and stalked to the end table.  I turned on the light.  I peered into my cup and noticed the shredded tea leaves floating on the surface like pond scum.
     I frowned and showed the Husband the cup.  He exploded in hearty laughter.
     Sighing, I called my son. Still sputtering tea leaves, I proceeded to show him to correct way to steep tea.

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